BYU Football games! Oh how I just love them! Oh and my good cousin/roommate Holly. Ya.. I like her too.
I turned 21! Biggest Party of the year!! And no... I did go out and do anything TOO wild that night ;)
I got to teach Football training drills to men from Korea for work. They officially think I am awesome now. This is of them attempting to play an actual game.
On the way to a football game, we saw this lovely scene. Apparently, people still actually roast whole pigs!
My old roommate Kathryn turned 21 as well! I couldn't help but make her a cake to celebrate the day :D
It was Rex's birthday and this is the cake that Holly and I made for him. It is of this crazy character called "Waxinpoo". It is from a YouTube video that Rex just loves.
There was a fire a while ago out behind Kohl's in Orem. The entire building was up in flames. I don't think any of it really survived the fire. It was really freaky when I drove by and saw this!
My lovely car being towed away. I got into an accident that totaled my car. I am carless and totally afraid to drive again. This was the last time I saw my precious Mazda!
Here is a better view of the damage to my car... SIGH.
~I will leave it to you to decide whether or not these are great or not so great.
My awesome home teacher found out that I don't like soggy foods. I happened to mention that pastas are hard for me to eat sometimes because they can get soggy. So what did he do? He went home, grabbed his month old spaghetti and gave it to me... Well... it wasn't soggy, that is for sure.
I saw this in my art classroom. It is a "body" made completely out of tape.... Interesting right?