Yes.. its 4am. Yes.. I am dang tired. Yes... I feel like crap. No... I sure can't sleep.
So while I am in misery while for some awesome reason that I can't even imagine why I am awake at this hour, you get to hear about random facts of my life and things that I have done in the past while.
Well school has started now and it is actually going quite well. My awesome cousin Holly is my roommate and I love it! We just have tons of fun! I am also super busy 100% all of the time, but hey, that's they college life right? But I am like 4 art classes with a computer science class and a religion class. They are all great though and I am having a ton of fun and learning lots in all of them! In my computer science class, I am even learning how to make my own webpage by writing my own HTML. It is really neat! Here is web address in case any of you are interesting in looking at what I am creating ( Although, I just took a look at it, and it isn't as great and decorative as what it really is.. Some of the fonts and such are not working because they are not downloaded on my computer, just the schools. So you may get the cool version, you may not. But anyways, there you go! That's what I have been up to of late. I will also get some of my art stuff posted as soon as I get it back and graded! Also... in case you all wanted to see how busy I am.. here is my current schedule, without any of my stuff outside of work and school. The red is work, orange is school, and yellow is church.

Secondly, the Academy of LDS Dentist's! Woohoo! This was a conference that I worked about a month ago that I really loved! I got to be a counselor for the youth program and hang out with the kids all day for two days straight! It was exhausting, but I absolutely loved it! I was in charge of the ages 6-11 year olds, and they just about made me wet my pants from laughter. They were hilarious! I was given the name of "COUNSELOR DIPPIN' DOTS". That's right. It was our code. So whenever I was looking for my group, I would yell "Dippin' Dots!" and they would come and find me! It worked splendidly :)
But for our activities, we went to the Hogle Zoo, a Classic Skating Rink, a playground, Seven Peaks, saw a Magician and watched a movie. Yes, it was a very intense couple of days. Crazy fun business! There were only a FEW minor problems.. and yes, they all happened within my little group of 10 kids:
1. To start off, at the very first activity of classic skating, one of my girls tripped, fell, and broke her leg. She didn't attend the rest of the activities, the poor girl. I felt soooo bad for her!
2. Next, I had the "i-like-to-run-away-and-not-tell-anyone-where-i-go" child. He is a very famous boy. Last year, before I starting working there, he left seven peaks without telling anyone where he went and fell asleep in a neighborhood nearby until someone drove around and finally found him. Well this year... he was better, but unfortunately, he still ran off a couple of times and loved to "pretend" to not listen or care what I said.
3. Then there was the boy who lost his shoes at seven peaks... I had the lovely job of telling his father what happened. That was awesome.
4. I also had the lovely group of kids who had some serious potty mouths.. Huh. How is it possible that young 6 year old boys can talk about something that is not gross and disgusting, but ultimately funny?
But even though I had some awesome moments with the kids, they were the best group at the same time! I just loved every minute (except when he ran away, lost his shoes, and broke her leg...) of it! It really was soooo much fun! I loved it when the little boys would run up to me, grab my hand, say "counselor, counselor!" and try and pull me towards something cool and exciting. I loved it when the older girls and boys would help me in anyway possible and just talk to me like I was their best friend. It was soo cool :)

This is my little group of "Dippin' Dots!", minus Maddie, who broke her leg. But going from left to right there is Josh, Bradley, Briana, Jordan, Maren, Hannah, Joseph, Andrue, and Parker. I love these kids!

Dippin' Dots at the Zoo. They loved the dinosaurs that sprayed water on you! Practically more than the animals.

My little 6 year old Joseph. Isn't he cute in that little turtle shell?!

The incredible elephants that the kids didn't really pay attention too. That's baby Zuri!
Well that's all for now! I am going to try and sleep again.. hopefully I can get two hours of sleep tonight...