Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Weather Outside Is Frightful

It's snowing!!!! Ah!!!
Really though. I am so not ready for winter yet. I woke up this morning to there being about an inch of snow on the grass. It is not my favorite. Also, in addition to the unwanted snow, the heater in my apartment is currently broken... sooooo it is pretty much freezing!! I can curl up on the couch in 4 layers with 3 blankets and still be freezing cold. I just can't handle it! I am seriously going to die when December hits and it is even worse with like 4 feet of snow. SIGH... I guess I will just have to wait for the maintenance man to get here. And he better hurry it up!!
But besides being freezing cold, life is good. School has been crazy busy lately. Midterms have just passed so I am finally able to live outside of my bedroom and the library again. Somewhat. It is still pretty busy, just not as bad. The college life is pretty awesome! I have done super fun things while being up here! I have been mini-golfing, pranking (sshhhhh, don't tell anyone!), playing Super Mario (the original super nintendo one) and I even went to a Haunted Forest, where I have to say that I did not scream once (although my date did ;) ). But it has been awesome!! I still love life up here, although I do wish that someone would come cook for me and do my laundry. As it turns out, it isn't all its cracked up to be, and that wasn't much to begin with! :D

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Bike Hero

So in my Intro to Advertising class, we are assigned groups and an agency to work with. My agency is Droga5 and they are awesome! This is one of the ads that they created for Guitar Hero.. It is INCREDIBLE!!! :D

Birthday Wishes

Hoorah for no longer being a teenager!
Well now that I am officially 20 years old, I hope you all don't think that I have to act mature now... cause friends, that is sure not going to happen anytime soon! Sorry to say that!
Anyways... my birthday was amazing! I went to work and found out that Maren had left me birthday surprises there! I also had ice cream at work, which was amazing. Later last night I went and had ice cream with my friend, Jason, and later found out that it was all a scheme. We got back last night and I found a bunch of people just chillin out in his apartment. Apparently they were waiting for me to get back to scream "SURPRISE!" Bahaha, it was way awesome though! I blew out candles on 7-layer bean dip and had amazing chocolate cake. I loved it!
Thanks to all my friends and family who made my birthday super awesome! You all are incredible!! :D